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Team Member

John Guptill

Senior Reverse Engineer

John Guptill Headshot
  • GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst

John Guptill is a Senior Reverse Engineer within Dragos’ Threat Operations Center, where he focuses on innovative research and development to detect malicious threats to ICS networks.

Prior to joining Dragos, John was a Cyber Warfare Officer in the United States Air Force with duties that included: development of cyber capabilities, in-depth threat analysis, and innovative research. His most recent position was an instructor for the Cyber Warfare Operations course where he taught Programming, Malware Analysis, and Offensive Tactics in addition to leading course operations. John has worked with multiple partners both inside and outside the Department of Defense as an advisor and director.

John holds degrees in Computer Science and Cyberspace Operations. Additionally, he is a graduate of the Department of Defense’s Computer Network Operations Development Program (CNODP) and the Air Force Research Lab’s Advanced Course in Engineering Cyber Security Boot Camp (ACE).

Formal Education

  • Bachelors of Science, Computer Science, University of Portland
  • Master of Science, Cyberspace Operations, Air Force Institute of Technology

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