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Jackson Evans-Davies

Principal Industrial Penetration Tester

Jackson Evans-Davies is a Principal Industrial Penetration Tester with the company Dragos, Inc.
  • SANS GIAC Penetration Tester (GPEN)
  • SANS GIAC Advanced Penetration Tester & Exploit Researcher (GXPN)
  • Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP)

Jackson Evans-Davies is a Principal Industrial Penetration Tester with the company Dragos, Inc. where he focuses on penetration testing, red teaming, architecture and vulnerability assessment services within a variety of industrial environments.

Previous to his role at Dragos, Inc. Jackson spent 10 years working as an industrial cyber security consultant with Honeywell, beginning in early 2010. His primary focus was conducting vulnerability and security assessments for industrial clients, identifying potential critical vulnerabilities. He has executed remediation activities, including designing, configuring and implementing cyber secure industrial environments all over the world.

In 2017, Jackson expanded his industrial focus to include offensive security related activities, specifically penetration testing. Jackson has spoken publicly at multiple cyber security conferences to further educate industrial clients on why penetration testing is critical to identifying vulnerabilities undetected by assessments alone.

Formal Education

  • Network Engineering Technology (NET)
  • Bachelor of Applied Information Systems Technology – Network Management (BAIST-NM)

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