SEPT 5 Webinar:

💡 WHAT TO KNOW about NERC CIP-015 (INSM) Requirements coming to the electric sector and the benefits of early adoption.

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The Dragos Blog

08.26.19 | 1 min read

Electric Utility Cybersecurity Case Study Webinar

Dragos, Inc.

Dragos recently co-hosted a webinar with our partner Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) entitled: Securing Electric Utility Infrastructure – Case Study on Asset Baselining, Threat Detection, and Response.

Now more than ever, cybersecurity is vital for the protection of critical infrastructure. Electric utilities face challenges to identify vulnerabilities, protect operational technology (OT) systems, and build the capabilities to detect, respond, and recover from cyber events. And in some cases, there are limited resources and a lack of knowledge of OT cyber threats.

The webinar provided insights on baselining your operation, building cyber defense, and streamlining ongoing management. SEL and Dragos also shared a case study based on a recent joint effort to address key cybersecurity challenges at a mid-sized US electric utility.

Slide: Securing Electric Utility Infrastructure – Case Study on Asset Baselining, Threat Detection, and Response.

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Tim Watkins, Lead Application Engineer at SEL, delivered an overview of energy control systems, took a holistic look at risk, and discussed the importance of baselining and defense-in-depth security. He also presented the SEL solution components and architecture which contributes to an enhanced cybersecurity posture for electric utilities.

Matt Cowell, Director of Business Development at Dragos, provided a deep-dive into a recent joint engagement to help this utility, and how we helped them: 

  • Enhance visibility of networked OT assets
  • Cultivate NERC CIP compliance functions
  • Better enable limited OT security teams
  • Improve visibility into ICS-focused threats

Matt Cowell concluded by noting that the threats are increasing but defense is doable, that many customers are facing similar challenges, especially as IT and OT teams are blending, and that a holistic solution requires a combination of people, processes and technology to be effective.  

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